Creating Zoom Account:
- Navigate to
- Click ‘SIGN UP, IT’S FREE’
- Input your date of birth and click continue
- Input your email here, then select ‘Sign Up’
- You’ll see the below message and will receive an email. Please open your email client
- In the email received from Zoom, click ‘Activate Account’
- Go back to your browser and select the radio button to the left of ‘Yes’, indicating you are signing up on behalf of a school, then click ‘Continue’
- Fill out the form and select the indicated check boxes and then select ‘Continue’
- Proceed through remainder of account setup until account is setup.
Creating Zoom Meeting
- Navigate to
- Click ‘SIGN IN’
- Input your school email address and zoom account password (you must have already creating a zoom account to sing in), then click ‘Sign In’
- To create a scheduled meeting, click Meetings on the left hand side
- Then, click ‘Schedule a New Meeting’
- In the Topic box, input a subject for you meeting. In the Description box you can create a description for you meeting. Input the time and duration for the meeting. Ensure the time zone is set to Eastern Time (US and Canada)
- If you’d like to set up a recurring meeting, you can check this box and input the frequency (recurrence), how often the event should repeat and the ending date:
- Otherwise, leave the recurring meeting box un-ticked and proceed
- Leave registration un-ticked, make sure ‘Generate Automatically’ is ticked for Meeting ID, and input a Meeting Password making sure that the ‘Require meeting password’ option is ticked:
- You will have to input your own password, which can be no more than 10 characters. So, remove all the dots in the password box and input a password. It should look like this when done:
- Make sure that the option next to Host and Participant for Video are set to off:
- For Audio, select Both:
- For Meeting Options, make sure the following are ticket:
**** Make sure that waiting room is enabled and under no circumstances are you to tick the box next to ‘Record the meeting automatically in the cloud’. We are never recording meetings. - Click ‘Save’
- On the next screen, you will see your meeting details. In order to invite attendees, you will copy your ‘Join URL’ and email it to attendees/copy it to your classroom page.
**right click and copy the URL
**make sure the URL has the ‘pwd=’ portion, if it doesn’t you didn’t tick the ‘require meeting password’ option when setting up the meeting. - When ready, you can either start the meeting from this join URL, or by clicking ‘Start this meeting’ on this page:
- Alternately, you can proceed to the next section to start the meeting.
Entering Pre-Created Meetings
- Navigate to
- Select ‘Meetings’ from the left navigation menu
- Click ‘Start’ to start the meeting