To Add a User in Chrome:

  1. Open Chrome
  2. Click on the user button in the top right hand corner of Chrome.
  3. Click 'Add' in the menu that pops up
  4. In the window that presents itself, Type in the name of your new user (usually your name - MASD works to differentiate your personal google user from your MASD user), then click 'Add'
  5. Proceed to next steps within 'Logging in without Classlink' section of this article

Logging in without Classlink:

  1. Open Chrome
  2. Click the following button
  3. Click 'Turn on sync...'
  4. Login with your email address (i.e. where 'example' is your username) and select 'Next'
    If you're met with the Classlink log in prompt, please move to step 1 of Classlink login section below.
  5.  Enter your password and select 'Next'
  6. Click 'Link data' at the next screen
  7. Click 'Yes, I'm in' on the next screen

Please review the last section of this article titled "Ensuring you're syncing with Google".

Classlink login instructions:

  1. This picks up from step 4 in the previous set of instructions mceclip1.png

  2. Sign in with your username and password or sign in with your QuickCard
  3. Please go back to step 6 in the previous set of instructions ("Logging in without Classlink").

Ensuring you're syncing with Google:

You are now synced with your MASD google page. Periodically, please check to make sure you are syncing. You will know by performing the following steps:

  1. Click the button with your first initial in it
  2. Make sure the window that comes up after performing step 1 states: Syncing to (where 'example' is your username)
  3. If you see 'paused' next to the button with your first initial in it, then you must sign in again.


Please put a ticket in with any issues and the technology department will reach out to assist you. Thank you.

To submit a ticket, please send an email to 


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